Monday, February 07, 2005

The Night in Camp

Yo people out there! Recruit Jonathan Ang is your ops duty clerk(2IC) for today! (Don't know if I'll get charged for releasing this ;x) Anyway, this is my first time doing Ops duty. I get to sit down in an air-conditioned office, watch TV , read newspapers, probably surf the net - like im doing now, and wait for phone calls - like when waiting for a gal's call, for example.
Had to wait for 30mins to get my out-ration. (It was extra dry spaghetti with nasi-brani style crisp chicken) Accessed the balcony, sat alone and ate. The scenery was so dazzling (I could see as far as my eyes could, tree top canopies, rows of terrace houses, some commercial buildings in the far horizon, and BEAUTIFULLY Clear blue sky that spanned across the entire sky, coupled with a romantic sunset. Bah I was ALONE, sobs no girls), that i had totally forgotten to pray until now.
Anyway, I shall have to continue my duties now, My HP is always available for sms'es and calls (incoming free) so you can always count on me to chat! Nitez ;p

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