Monday, October 29, 2007


Well, not exactly, but these exams give me that feeling. Don't know what to expect, dread for it to come, yet yearn for it to finish fast.

Nevertheless, Last Saturday was Ree Yi's birthday at Aloha Chalet #5, the same one as Clarence's. I got a clock for her birthday. I'm so sorry though if she was affected by it. But anyhow, I received clocks before and, I will never be so superstitious to such a degree. When I first saw it, I thought, "hey lovely clock!" Then Daniel said "ya.." And I was thinking "Hmm..clock..good meaning! Time is precious, use your time wisely" along those lines.

Although Russell later said it's bad omen to give a clock for a birthday, eventually we had a unanimous decision to buy it. Besides, let's not be ridiculously superstitious because of a clock!

Anyhow, pictures of the party I've uploaded on's the link :

Oh...guess who I saw..en teng(?sp). He kinda like pretended he didn't see me. So I did likewise. Heard from Ree Yi's he's her primary school friend. Small world eh..

The birthday cake was..well..see it yourself in the pics. The most strawberry, cheesy-cake tasting cake i've ever seen. STRAWBERRY CHEESECAKE FTW!

Oh and check out the SADAKO hottie, lol.

Anyway peace. I've just gotta take a retreat from blogging and facebooking for this exam period. Cheers!

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