Thursday, April 03, 2008

Busy, Crazy, Funky.

This is quite the week. 3 Quizzes - Tues, Friday AND Saturday.
All of them I hardly ever attended lectures and certainly not tutorials since term break.

I can only thank God for carrying me through. Without whom I will certainly burn out, having to read every lecture for the first time. It's late but I felt like blogging, ya know, dust the place a little.

Just now while logging in Facebook, I stumbled upon a mail from my inbox. It says:
Dear Friends,
Have you booked your tickets yet?
We have just 1 week to go and you will not want to miss out.

Thank you for wanting to attend and remembering Reuben.

Reuben, we love you!!
Mom, dad and 'cher' Shimona - From Reuben Kee
I was quite puzzled. The name rings a bell. Oh! The talented dragonboater who had lost his life last year. I suddenly recalled, "Hey! I have this guy as a friend from Battle Stations, even in my friends list!" It dawned upon me that I, even I, had minimal, nonetheless contact with this guy. All this while I knew him to be some one from Battle Stations, but it never occurred to me that I added this guy.

Well the thing is, the frailties of life is quite stark, well reality always has a way of jolting you back to it. Man is and has always been insignificantly small compared to the forces of nature, minuscule in the might universe, and all these are under God's jurisdiction. No, all these are God's creation, and every time I smell the freshness of the air, hear the bristles of the trees in the wind, the oceans beating against whitewashed rocks, feel the assuring warmth of the sun, look into the great vastness of the sky, as to the magnificence of astral wonders, every bit of it screams the intelligence, the creativity, the wonder and might of God. Every bit of it displays the glory of God. It's innate, trust me...the deepest recesses of our consciousness knows creation, and the Creator. That's why it's breathtaking.

Well, I'm pleased to know that Reuben knows Jesus. In his dying, he gains life - life eternal. Is that a good thing? I think it is. Well some people may think that why would God allow something horrible like that to happen. I guess in that context, God can work miracles, good things even from the bad things that happen in this world. Look at the memory that Reuben leaves behind, how his works have touched and changed lives, giving them more hope, and of course a yearning surely, but nonetheless an impact on their lives. Jesus once said in one of the parables, that a corn must first die and fall to the ground, before many can grow.(Referring to Jesus). It is probably the greatest honour and blessing to die in glorifying of God, and the greatest of rewards await. (No, not 49 virgins..ok, bad joke). Well anyway, cya on the other side Reuben! =P

Ok, time to go mug.
It's orgasmic.
Orgasmic Chemistry.


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