Sunday, November 30, 2008

After Exams

Time to shake the dust, rattle the cobwebs, and "I want to move it move it, I want to move it move it!

And....once again, too lazy to upload any photos. Well okay I'm trying to access my phone via bluetooth since I can't find my cable. but it's taking ages.

Well..what is darling doing now. Stll watching House, or zzz-ed like Ms.Piggie does? Well I guess having such intimate relationships you don't really have to blog any more when things get more private :)

Just some photos I managed to upload...

Guess what these faces are...

And these plates...?

Ultra Delicious Sushi w/ the most high reaching wasabi we've ever eaten! 0.99$ at Cathay. Yummy!

Thursday, September 04, 2008

Size Exclusion Chromatography

My first photos I ever took for lab!

Interestingly boring huh?!
Tiny Little week doing ELISA ..who wanna lend me their hair sample?!

Just bought a 1TB Ext HDD from comex @ 219!
It's got lots of goodies inside now..yum yum.
Oh, but sadly my com went moody on still sustaining..never know when it will give up on me =.= oww...

Thursday, August 21, 2008

My rebuttal to my prof

Had some discussion regarding "why should young people show deference or respect to the elderly". Because the topic is breaking free of tradition, he insisted that we do not include tradition as a reason! I think most people answered and tend to stray to here's my view, or attempt(which i replied to the prof via email)

Oh I have an opinion regarding the question of "Why must young people show deference to the elderly"

Some people have mentioned that the elderly have contributed more to the society than the young. Your rebuttal is that that may not be true, as there are young CEOs and managers which are supporting the economy through tax paying and employment opportunities.

I would like to build on that argument and add some points.

In the context of Singapore; It is a fairly young nation. 43 years ago there were much uncertainties. Economical, socio-political upheavals resulted in riots and strikes. With no natural resources and no backing, we have certainly came along way to achieve the peace and security, economic stability and prosperity that we have. These were built on the sweat and blood of the older generation; The people, and of good governance. It could have been all or nothing...we might not have the luxury to study peacefully, as we now take education for granted; nor could we work. You might not even be teaching in NTU, true? (else where perhaps...) We might not even have the freedom of going out on the streets!

So, the point about the young manager contributing more to society by paying more tax is moot, or would be moot, without the older generation, that is, the elderly now, having paved the way for the country's growth! While it may be as you said, that the future generations might not hold these concept of "honouring parents or elders", but i reckon that as we constantly instill in them the lessons that history teaches us, they will not be as deluded and apathetic by the notion (and of growing up) in peace. Therefore we "should" honour our elders, as do our "parents".

Would this approach be less of "tradition" as a reason for why "should" the young respect the elderly? The Americans honoured Abraham Lincoln for his sacrifice to the country historically and even now. They do not do it "because my dad did it" or "my parents did so", but rather they understood the significance of the role he played which was a pivotal turning point in history which led them to where they are now.(Granted, they are educated as such, which I believe so.) By the same token I believe us as a younger generation and generations to come will comprehend if educated, the importance of our forefathers and elders/elderly, and will respect them so not because of tradition. Or not just because of tradition.

This is one reason why we "should" respect the elderly that I think does not use tradition as a reason to do so, although tradition does play a part. I'm horrible at chinese but "Ying shui shi yan/yuan" or "know the source of the water" might aptly encompass this point of the argument. please? This prof apparently dislikes the use of religion or "religious arguments", "traditions" to back these questions. He prefers "rational thought" or "thinking" or "modern thinking". I seriously question the rationality of "rational thought"! paradoxical.

Sunday, August 17, 2008


Yay new blog skin!

Well, Congratulations Singapore! Olympic Silver Medal after 48 years drought! Well done Team Pong Pong! Eh, Ping Pong.

Well right now adjusted back to hall life. Hall 11. Not too shabby. Looked old and dull when I first moved. But it's a blessing in disguise. It's evening or morning sun, even cold some times at night. No need for air con halls ! save money!

School's fine...crazy content, okay pace. Just pace up! Well Darren, don't stress yourself too much. Pace up! It's a marathon man, not a 400m run! Take care of your body! and..God bless.

That's all for now...
thanks for looking!


Wednesday, July 23, 2008

12 Days to School

12 Days to School

12 Days to Resolution

12 Days...

Am studying/playing/watching tv/doing my puzzle for my upcoming exam on thursday morning. HOW am I supposed to reach school by 9am?!?! Oh well...

Life is great...moving on, looking forward. Big plans, I'd say...big plans.


Oh yes, some photos I took during an outing with my dear...

I took these with my handphone!! Except the last one that was with HH's camera..

If only I have this...(hint hint..jk)

Friday, June 27, 2008

Dusting Off

A little dusting off cobwebs in this blog. First off, congratulations to the couple in class...God bless!

Well, I came to the realisation that blogging wasn't an outlet for emotions, anymore - hence the frequency of updating. In all my life, the greatest moments are memories that cannot simply be...written down in words. Life altering events, outings; just the bonding of friendship, is shared between friends, between loved ones. These sweet moments live on within us.
(Just so you know I'm alive and kicking.)

And wow! I'm gonna survive one week without dear soon. It is probably the longest week of my life. Serious. Sunday began fine, being refreshed by church and God. But as monday came and the week bore on...loneliness it seems...was ever encroaching. Well I'm glad to have talked to you today, before my mind goes too wild. HAHA.

A little update which I ought to have done weeks ago. I passed my driving! On the 10th Jun. Yeah. I mean, after 2 tries, I finally passed. God's grace of course...long story short...the thought of the prospects of failing was very me the shivers even now. And the photo-license finally came!
Too bad I have to collect it tomorrow. Stupid postman chose to deliver at odd timings earlier this afternoon.

On a lighter note, special sem has begun last week, and today being the fourth session we already had a 10% weightage quiz. Which was definitely easy, but i learnt my lesson never to underestimate any module, because everyone else do equally fine you become...average. Duh
Well, like's priorities changes, so somehow, excelling in this aspect just don't quite..appeal to me any longer.

Anyway, enough dusting off...I wonder when I will blog next...or what I should blog it on. Maybe, most likely, I'm just plain lazy. Haha!

(Well isn't better if people who read this blog, if any, just communicate with me? If communication were to by any means strengthen a relationship that is.)


Monday, June 02, 2008

The Greatest Gift of God

is love undoubtedly. Love amongst strangers, love amongst countrymen. Love between friends and love between family members. Love, between my other half, who taught me the greatest of all ; God's love for us.

I remember about this female evangelist that my pastor talked about. During world war 2, her husband had been mercilessly executed by a German commander despite her pleas. Not long after the war ended, she did about her evangelistic works proclaiming the forgiveness of sin, of love, and was pretty famous (sad, i can't remember any names.).

So during one evangelistic event, she was preaching and finally made an altar call (one which calls people to the front to accept Christ), she was full of joy, seeing the many who stepped forth. Then suddenly a familiar face that she could never forget. The rage inside of her boiled. Yes. She saw the ragged face of the German commander who cold blooded-ly murdered her husband. Here she was preaching about forgiveness and love, and yet her heart burned with hatred for the man. She cannot forgive, she cannot do it.

In desperation she cried to God for help, to help her love the man, that which she thought impossible to do. There as she determined to step forward, a supernatural love from God came upon her filled her up and with tears she reached forward and shook and hugged the man.

Wonderful, isn't it?

This post was solely for your reading really. But it doesn't matter.

Truly I have been blessed with many things. But to me, the greatest of which is you my dear. You! You have changed my perspective on many things. You taught me how to love. How we ought to live Godly lives. How God placed you in my life so miraculously, so timely. You taught me the importance of fellowship, with men and with God.

Surely if God wants to shape my future, you probably have the biggest hand in it. Not to say everything revolves around you, but I think my future is directed around and for both you, and God. The passion I was had, the things which were not of real value and importance, they slowly lose their strongholds in my life. Instead you, family, friends and God start to fill up those gaps. Our plans for the future, I earnestly look forward to them!

Well, somehow I woke up with fears. Fears that I would lose you. That brought me to realise how important you are to me. That everything would crumple and time would surely stop for me. I know it's silly, knowing that above all else, we have God. But on this earth, I would like to have you for the rest of my 60 70 years or so..despite our inherent transcends all. I would like to have the fellowship of my family and my friends. Love sums it all up. Indeed the greatest of all commandments is Love thy God with all your heart and with all your soul and with all your might...and Love thy neighbours as thyself. Ahaha..silly me..


Wednesday, April 23, 2008

Watch The Lamb

Walking on the road to Jerusalem, the time had come to sacrifice again,
My two small sons, they walk beside me on the road,
The reason that they came was to watch the lamb.

Daddy, Daddy, what will see there?
There’s so much that we don’t understand,
So I told them of Moses and father Abraham,
Then I said dear children watch the lamb.
There will be so many in Jerusalem today,
We must be sure the lamb doesn’t run away.
And I told them of Moses and father Abraham,
Then I said “dear children watch the lamb”.

When we reached the city, I knew something must be wrong,
There were no joyful worshipers, no joyful worship songs.
I stood there with my children in the midst of angry men.
Then I heard the crowd cry out “crucify Him”.
We tried to leave the city, but we could not get away.

Forced to play in this drama, a part I did not wish to play.
Why upon this day, were men condemned to die?
Why were we standing here, where soon they would pass by?
I looked and said, even now they come.
The first one cried for mercy, the people gave him none.
The second one was violent, he was arrogant and loud.
I still hear his angry voice, screaming at the crowd.

Then someone said there’s Jesus, I scarce believed my eyes.
A man so badly beaten, He barely looked alive.
Blood poured from His body, from the forms upon His brow,
Running down the cross, falling to the ground.
I watched Him as He struggled, I watched Him as He fell,
The cross came down upon His back, the crowd began to yell,
In that moment I felt such agony, in that moment I felt such loss,

Till a Roman soldier grabbed my arm and screamed, you, carry His cross.
At first I tried to resist him, then his hand reached for his cross,
So I knelt and took the cross from the Lord,
I placed it on my shoulder and started down the street,
The blood that he’d been shedding was running down my cheek.
They led us to Golgotha, they drove nails deep in His feet and hands,
Yet upon the cross I heard Him pray, “Father, forgive them”.

Oh, never have I seen such love in any other eyes,
Into thy hands I commit my spirit, He prayed and the He died,
I stood for what seemed like years, I’d lost all sense of time
Until I felt two tiny hands holding tight to mine,
The children stood there weeping, and I heard the oldest say,
“Father please forgive us, the lamb ran away”.

Daddy, Daddy, what have we seen here?
There’s so much that we don’t understand.
So I took them in my arms, and we turned and faced the cross,
Then I said “dear children, watch the lamb”.

Sunday, April 13, 2008

Wing a Wong Wang (Wand) Harry?

You just gotta bite this.

JonJonB> Purely in the interests of science, I have replaced the word "wand" with "wang" in the first Harry Potter Book
JonJonB> Let's see the results...

JonJonB> "Why aren't you supposed to do magic?" asked Harry.
JonJonB> "Oh, well -- I was at Hogwarts meself but I -- er -- got expelled, ter tell yeh the truth. In me third year. They snapped me wang in half an' everything

JonJonB> A magic wang... this was what Harry had been really looking forward to.

JonJonB> "Yes, yes. I thought I'd be seeing you soon. Harry Potter." It wasn't a question. "You have your mother's eyes. It seems only yesterday she was in here herself, buying her first wang. Ten and a quarter inches long, swishy, made of willow. Nice wang for charm work."
JonJonB> "Your father, on the other hand, favored a mahogany wang. Eleven inches. "

JonJonB> Harry took the wang. He felt a sudden warmth in his fingers. He raised the wang above his head, brought it swishing down through the dusty air and a stream of red and gold sparks shot from the end like a firework, throwing dancing spots of light on to the walls

JonJonB> "Oh, move over," Hermione snarled. She grabbed Harry's wang, tapped the lock, and whispered, 'Alohomora!"

JonJonB> The troll couldn't feel Harry hanging there, but even a troll will notice if you stick a long bit of wood up its nose, and Harry's wang had still been in his hand when he'd jumped - it had gone straight up one of the troll's nostrils.

JonJonB> He bent down and pulled his wang out of the troll's nose. It was covered in what looked like lumpy gray glue.

JonJonB> He ran onto the field as you fell, waved his wang, and you sort of slowed down before you hit the ground. Then he whirled his wang at the dementors. Shot silver stuff at them.

JonJonB> Ok
JonJonB> I have found, definitive proof
JonJonB> that J.K Rowling is a dirty DIRTY woman, making a fool of us all
JonJonB> "Yes," Harry said, gripping his wang very tightly, and moving into the middle of the deserted classroom. He tried to keep his mind on flying, but something else kept intruding.... Any second now, he might hear his mother again... but he shouldn't think that, or he would hear her again, and he didn't want to... or did he?
melusine > O_______O
JonJonB> Something silver-white, something enormous, erupted from the end of his wang

JonJonJonB> Then, with a sigh, he raised his wang and prodded the silvery substance with its tip.

JonJonJonB> 'Get - off - me!' Harry gasped. For a few seconds they struggled, Harry pulling at his uncles sausage-like fingers with his left hand, his right maintaining a firm grip on his raised wang.

Harry's just so gay.


Friday, April 11, 2008

IRC lamers(Can be crude but uncensored)

i8b4uunderground> d-_-b
bonynomore> how u make that inverted b?
bonynomore> wait
bonynomore> never mind

jontg> Man, my penis is so big if I laid it out on a keyboard it'd go all the way from A to Z
jontg> wait, shit

agentsmith> It seems you have been leading two lives, Mr. Anderson. In one life, you are Robert Anderson, assistant cook at a Jack in the Box in the go by the chat alias "Randerson"...spreading homosexual propoganda, lying, and being a generally immature pest...
agentsmith> One of these...has a future.
randerson> LMAO OMFG where's the phone, I have to tell Dean about this
agentsmith> How can you use the phone when you cannot...speak?
*** AgentSmith sets mode: +m

mooseondaloose> Hey Mike
goatboy> what?
mooseondaloose> Pussy.
goatboy> er?
mooseondaloose> Pussy.
goatboy> and?
mooseondaloose> Pussy.
goatboy> ...
mooseondaloose> Pussy.
goatboy> i dont get it
mooseondaloose> AND YOU NEVER WILL.
goatboy> bastard

eticam> I was in biology class once, and the teacher said there was sugar in sperm
eticam> And a girl asked why doesn't it taste sweet then
eticam> When she realised what she said her face became red like a spanked monkey ass
eticam> Then the teacher said, because you taste sweetness with the front of your tongue, not the part of your tongue back in your throat
eticam> The girl started crying and left class ^^

sui88> 67% of girls are stupid
v-girl> i belong with the other 13%

Haha. Funny :|

Monday, April 07, 2008


A new look into our new canteen...and more!

McDonald's. Subway. Canadian Pizza. Old Chang Kee. Some bistro. And more to come.
Yummy new food court. Simply makes me feel happy and stress relieved to see the new seats, tables, structure. Toilets and lifts still in construction: To be used just next sem!

My favourite fastfood chain, Subway too! Going to grow fat. Have to start running more. I weigh 62.5~63Kg now! Gee...Put on weight liaos..sigh.

Okie ciaoz.... for the girls...enjoy the canteen while you still can.


Friday, April 04, 2008


Chinlin did this: and so did I

88 words

Speed test

WOW this places me in..:74422 of 1544018 5% of the population hahaha!


The blind boy longed to see colours. I say to him;
Look at the vastness of the dark sky, as the starry bodies shine in full glory.
Listen! The birds of the deep blue sky singing in anticipation!
The freshness of the trees and the air, green is its colour.
You can see the blue of the ocean as the sound of waves beating against whitewashed rocks!
The smell of the ocean that uplifts the very soul.
The blind boy cannot see, but the assuring warmth of the sun looks radiantly red.
Alas, he saw! But alas, he said, "I am but I am."

Man cannot comprehend.
Man cannot apprehend.
He is minuscule, insignificant.
The greatness of nature, simply overwhelming.
The wonders of creation, perplexing yet simple.

A little spinoff yesterday's post. Yepz.
Just feeling blue haha.


Thursday, April 03, 2008

Busy, Crazy, Funky.

This is quite the week. 3 Quizzes - Tues, Friday AND Saturday.
All of them I hardly ever attended lectures and certainly not tutorials since term break.

I can only thank God for carrying me through. Without whom I will certainly burn out, having to read every lecture for the first time. It's late but I felt like blogging, ya know, dust the place a little.

Just now while logging in Facebook, I stumbled upon a mail from my inbox. It says:
Dear Friends,
Have you booked your tickets yet?
We have just 1 week to go and you will not want to miss out.

Thank you for wanting to attend and remembering Reuben.

Reuben, we love you!!
Mom, dad and 'cher' Shimona - From Reuben Kee
I was quite puzzled. The name rings a bell. Oh! The talented dragonboater who had lost his life last year. I suddenly recalled, "Hey! I have this guy as a friend from Battle Stations, even in my friends list!" It dawned upon me that I, even I, had minimal, nonetheless contact with this guy. All this while I knew him to be some one from Battle Stations, but it never occurred to me that I added this guy.

Well the thing is, the frailties of life is quite stark, well reality always has a way of jolting you back to it. Man is and has always been insignificantly small compared to the forces of nature, minuscule in the might universe, and all these are under God's jurisdiction. No, all these are God's creation, and every time I smell the freshness of the air, hear the bristles of the trees in the wind, the oceans beating against whitewashed rocks, feel the assuring warmth of the sun, look into the great vastness of the sky, as to the magnificence of astral wonders, every bit of it screams the intelligence, the creativity, the wonder and might of God. Every bit of it displays the glory of God. It's innate, trust me...the deepest recesses of our consciousness knows creation, and the Creator. That's why it's breathtaking.

Well, I'm pleased to know that Reuben knows Jesus. In his dying, he gains life - life eternal. Is that a good thing? I think it is. Well some people may think that why would God allow something horrible like that to happen. I guess in that context, God can work miracles, good things even from the bad things that happen in this world. Look at the memory that Reuben leaves behind, how his works have touched and changed lives, giving them more hope, and of course a yearning surely, but nonetheless an impact on their lives. Jesus once said in one of the parables, that a corn must first die and fall to the ground, before many can grow.(Referring to Jesus). It is probably the greatest honour and blessing to die in glorifying of God, and the greatest of rewards await. (No, not 49 virgins..ok, bad joke). Well anyway, cya on the other side Reuben! =P

Ok, time to go mug.
It's orgasmic.
Orgasmic Chemistry.


Wednesday, March 19, 2008

The days of days

What days? Birddays. Literally! It's daniel(DA NIAO's)'s birdday! Wee. Also not to forget, happy birthday 1803! Haven't forgotten you guys too. Anyhow, the star tonight will be Daniel, since I went for his birthday celebration with Sivam, Russell, and...Daniel.

Anyway, it was a simple meetup for dinner and a little pool session. I do suppose it was about time? It seems that all of us were so soaked up with the nitty gritties of life that the fellowship was broken. Alas, it was not to be!

Anyway the plan was simple:

City Hall - Start Point

Douby Gout? Goud? Gourd?

1830hrs - xxxxhrs (Check Point 1)
Parkmall - Sakae Sushi (buffet)

Eat and talk cock..

Paradiz center (Check Point 2)
fy_pool_day..kidding. just pool

head for home..boonlay!@!

Well. That's the brief outline. I do feel quite lazy to type properly...especially when distracted with stuff. Well for one, Russell seemed overly love-sick! Lethargic, distracted, emo-tional, anxious. Well Russ, like Adeline said, pluck some courage from SOMEwhere. It may be infatuation, it may be not. Either way, you have to choose to act like a man, or turn away. That's my take.

I'm happy to see you guys surviving. Especially Dan and Sivam...going to ORD soon. Well we'll meet up soon yeah. It's a pity player1 not there. Nvm. U got GM hax.

Anyway to show that we are in the -IN- are some pics..

The four of us stoning...

The 3 of us in the right mind...

Guess who's emo-ing?

Told ya...he went to find her church!

Daniel sighing..he's 22 now..a year older and 10 KGs heavier.

That's all for now folks!
-ps Russ. was careful not to release any info!


Monday, March 17, 2008

The BB Vesper

Great God who knowest all our needs
Bless Thou our watch, and guard our sleep;
Forgive our sins of thought and deed,
And in Thy peace Thy servants keep.

We thank Thee for the day that's done
We trust Thee for the days to be;
Thy love we learn in Christ Thy Son,
O May we all His glory see!


Cheers! The BB spirit lives.

Friday, March 07, 2008

Programming Headaches I am trying to make things right. Let's take a look...

int A, a, sumInt;
flaot B, divFloat;
character c;

printf("\n Type a character A or a: ");
scanf("%f", &c);
printf(" you have typed '%c' \n", c);
printf(" you have typed '%c' \n", c);

printf("\n Type integer numbers for A and a: \n");
scanf("%d", &A, &a);
sumInt = A+a;
printf(" Sum of A(%d) and a(%d) is %d \n", A,a, sumInt);

printf("\n Type a float number for B: \n");
scanf("%d", B);
divFloat = A*B;
printf(" A(%d) over B(%f) is %f \n",A,B, divFloat);
divFloat = A/a;
printf(" A(%d) over a(%d) is %f \n",A,a, divFloat);
divFloat = float A/a;
printf(" A(%f) over a(%d) is %f \n",A,a, divFloat);

and this is what i made it..

#define d 0
#define D 0
int A, a, sumInt;
float B, divFloat;
char c;

printf("\n Type a character d or D: ");
scanf("%c", &c);
printf(" you have typed '%c' \n", c);
printf(" you have typed '%c' \n", c);

printf("\n Type integer numbers for A and a: \n");
scanf("%d", &A, &a);
sumInt = A+a;
printf(" Sum of A(%d) and a(%d) is %d \n", A,a, sumInt);

printf("\n Type a float number for B: \n");
scanf("%f", &B);
divFloat = (float) A*B;
printf(" A(%d) over B(%f) is %f \n",A,B, divFloat);
divFloat = (float) A/a;
printf(" A(%d) over a(%d) is %f \n",A,a, divFloat);
divFloat = (float) A/a;
printf(" A(%d) over a(%d) is %f \n",A,a, divFloat);


but just can't compile!!

blabberings 08..

Sunday, January 20, 2008

A grandiose closure to 21st year of my life

17th January 08 17:30 hrs

We went to visit Darren in SGH as a class. I'm really glad to see him sober up and think straight, determined to set things right. I'm sure can do it bro! Waiting for you to come out then we can go out together.. You , Ren De...Me! Enjoy your stay there ya! Make it meaningful and fun!


Alex & Mei Lin, Jude & Yan Ru, Esther & I, and of course, You Sheng & Daniel. We went down to the food court opposite Outram MRT. Had some quick bites and a little catching up. Although I was pretty disappointed there wasn't enough stalls opened at that timing, I enjoyed the people! I mean, the company.


Headed down to Butter Factory with Dear for my school bash. It's my first time clubbing! Excited. Here are some pics:

Cool Guy

Cool Girl

Some Pics I took of the place...

Nice right!? I mean, the shots. Ha Ha. Anyway, we danced a little. 12:00, January 18 08. Mr. Jonathan hits 22. Thanks for all that remembered! Thanks for all that didn't either, because all my friends made a difference in my life! And family of course. And so, dancing was cool. Although I'm not really into it, whatever. It's like my first time clubbing, why not just go with the groove and dance? Ha.

18 January 08 18:30

My dear had a surprise for me. She brought me to Dan Ryan's Chicago Grill. Americanized.
There was something that caught my eye. At the bottom of the menu it reads: " Warning. We serve American portions only." I mean, ROFL! That's cute~!

Anyway, my dear ordered carrot cake. Erm. The ENGLISH carrot cake which looks like (see below) that. Not Chai Tao Kuay ah!! Appetisers & Baby back ribs or something like that (we forgot to take any pics of those.)

And that's it! Great food. I was really surprised when they, the staff, brought the cake and sang "Happy Birthday" right there. My dear knew, and it was kind of a nice surprise..I feel so loved! Hee. So dear, thank you very much for an enjoyable 22nd birthday!~

19 January 08 13:00 hrs

Me and Daniel met up earlier to buy prezzie for my 2 nephews at Sun Tec. We headed down to Bugis to meet up with the cell group for Reachlight lunch at Oxford Hotel at 13:30 hrs. When we met Eugene and Denise, we heard the most shocking (albeit interesting) news. The two were fined drinking in the MRT. Actually, if you can visualise Bugis MRT, there were standing at the far right corner after you exit the gantry, which is near the exit. For a normal commuter (that is, me) I would not consider drinking there an offense! I think most people don't know. I think the management is just being a SNUB - whatever that just sounds nice. Anyway, if it were me I'll be sure to STOMP the issue. I mean come on. The guys claimed that they played the "NO EATING AND DRINKING" announcement 5 or 6 times over the PA system. Would anyone, thinking that they are not in offense, pay any attention to that? I would certainly think it would be an offense if I were to be drinking within the gantry, train side; But certainly not when I'm near the exit?! Ridiculous. They didn't even have the courtesy to come over and warn them personally. I think they FAIL...maybe that's why they get stuck with that job. Pft.

Just to create some awareness.

Anyway, lunch was crappy for $18 bucks. Serious. So I shan't talk too much about it.

However, Dinner was just too great. Pariss International @ Marina Square. Oh no I forgot to thank my sisters. Anyhow, it was pretty pricy so I did expect much of it. It delivered...somewhat. The choices wasn't too fantastic, but it's been a long time since I indulged myself in such a spread. I'm glad dear you enjoyed yourself. Sorry forgot about the photos; too busy eating. My dear took a few at the end though, when I was happily eating black pepper crab. Hope it appetizers you! Here's one:

Sunday January 20 08 11:00

Cellgroup. I was surprised with a Birthday Cake at the end. Really thank you all for the great company. Above all, thank God I have you all!

Once again, Thank you all! And I love the water bottle it is really handy!
And thanks Lie Cong bro. You've been very attentive and caring to the needs of the cell group, and also listening to me/us.

15:00 or...15:30...since the 2 lovey dovey were kinda late..

Yanru & Jude, Me and Dear went Pasir Ris park for a photoshoot.
For this one, I think pictures will speak a volume much larger than words, so i'll direct you to Jude's flikr webby once he uploaded them. Here's a sample of what I took with Jude's DSLR...Oooh I'm loving DSLR now.

Great shots! Thanks Jude and Yan Ru for the wonderful time-out at the beach. We had fun...should do that some other time...with some other couple.

That's all for now...too long and I need to prep for tomorrow.
So Ciao!


Tuesday, January 08, 2008

Fill In The Bits

FITB or Fill In The Bits.

I think that's what professors expect us to do. What a day to start of the new semester. Being shocked at the content we're going cover. The maths lecturer was another chinese national that could hardly be heard. Materials Science wasn't as bad but still bad. Thermodynamics was like some old uncle you'd expect to be at a Kopitiam drinking kopi talking on and on about how we should behave in lectures and how difficult a subject thermodynamics is. Bah.

Lovely! My friend said, he simply can't see himself running around chemical plants and manhandling machinery. I'm not sure about myself but certainly not the best thing to do. Might probably cause some big explosion in Singapore. Wee! Meso Explosion! Im sure Shell could afford rich.

And so. This is going to be a very challenging semester, especially when I don't feel very studious. I only know I need to be, and feel like being, but am not. And I didn't get any electives assigned to me! What the hell? I think I need to be more prayerful about everything I do.

I just failed my driving test my 2nd time. Not going to blog much...if you ask I'd tell. But yea.
Let's see how far into the Sem I can go before I start losing steam..


Thursday, January 03, 2008

Happy New Year 2008

It was a great year that has passed. Eventful, so to speak. So much has happened in the 21st year of my life. Ups, and downs, and everything new.

I'm, for one, very thankful for the friends around me. It's wonderful to start the new year with so many of them, surely. But first off, I thank David for hosting the party, for without which there would be none so enjoyable. All the chefs, Mei Lin, Jude, David, that did a great job whipping up magic, Betty for her wonderful, truly wonderful Tiramisu and strawberry cheesecake. The best I've ever tried, really. Thanks dear for a fun time with Ice Kachang, and thanks for those that came! I had much fun.

2008 started off a little crazy after a night at David's place. Let's say we went to try a famous Ba Kut Teh...and followed up by watching AVP2 on it's opening day. Madness for mad classmates! Haha. AVP2 was quite a let down for me. Messy, not-so-original storyline, dark and unexplained many's. Nonetheless, I enjoyed the company of my friends! Thanks David for the drive around town, sorry for the detour haha.

But above all, this year I have to thank God for my dear. If not for her, I would have probably been a very lost soul in uni. If not for her I would have let a much more boring 2007. There were ups, and there were downs. There will be too, in the future. But let's strive together in love! I've grown much and learnt much. Enjoyed my 2007 thanks to you. Love ya! Happy 2008 ahead.

Let's all reflect and enjoy the past year. And to the challenges ahead in 2008, I'd say. Come.
